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Background of the study: The ubiquity of home video makes it a powerful medium that has the potential to shape the culture of any civilization, particularly among the younger demographic. The home video industry disseminates films, telemovies, and television programmes to the general public in the form of videos, which are available in many formats. Consumers purchase or lease these items, then subsequently view them in the privacy and convenience of their own homes. The majority of films that are released in theatres are now also distributed on digital media, including optical formats such as DVD or Blu-ray, as well as through downloads. This has replaced the outdated VHS (Video Home System) format. The VCD format continues to be widely used throughout Asia, although DVDs are steadily increasing in popularity.Movies occupy a highly significant position in the cultural fabric of a society. "Movies, similar to books, are a distinct medium that holds cultural significance...a significant means of transmitting culture (Baran, 2009:75)." Research indicates that films play a role in socialising individuals and transmitting cultural values (Baran, 2009; Daramola, 2007). Aldana (2004:1) argues that films possess significant influence as they have the capacity to shape or undermine a society's culture owing to their interactive nature. It also has an impact on the daily lives of individuals, influencing their self-perception, behaviour, and overall lifestyle.

 In Nigeria, there is a substantial audience of over one million individuals who are impacted, to varying degrees, by the themes explored in Nigerian home movies. These films convey messages that significantly impact the spectators, particularly in terms of their fashion choices. Movies occupy a highly significant position in the cultural fabric of a society.

 In Nigeria, there is a substantial audience of over one million individuals who are impacted, in various ways, by the themes depicted in Nigerian home movies. These films convey messages that significantly influence the viewers, particularly in terms of their attire choices. Movies occupy a highly significant position in the cultural fabric of a society. O’Rork (2006) and Wogu (2008) contend that individuals are more inclined to imitate behavioural patterns observed in the media when they anticipate receiving enjoyment from copying another individual. Behaviour is not solely shaped by personal or immediate role models, but also by those portrayed in the mass media.  According to Okunna (1999), the media possess a unique ability to influence individuals' thoughts, emotions, and actions. This persuasive power of the media is well-known and extends to tertiary institution students, who are regularly exposed to watching home videos.

​​​​​​​Statement of the problem

The home video business, commonly referred to as Nollywood, has a significant and engaged audience that is deeply ingrained in Nigerian society. The influence of home video on the culture, religion, and moral conduct of university students has elicited significant apprehension and disquiet among numerous Nigerians. As per Okeoma (2012), a significant number of adolescents and young adults at higher education institutions devote their attention to watching various types of films on television. Certain films have the potential to negatively impact individuals' emotions, psyche, moral behaviour, and cognitive development. The correlation between the incidence of unethical conduct among young individuals and the specific genres of programmes and movies they consume has been established.

Recent research indicates a correlation between the prevalence of crimes in Nigerian institutions and society as a whole, and the influence of negative films or videos that individuals consume. Ezekwu (2013) said that the inclusion of pornographic content in Nigerian films has had a detrimental impact on young people, exposing them to various sorts of sexual harassment such as homosexuality and incest. Adultery, witchcraft, and ritual practices are shown in a glamorous manner, often without consideration for the consequences depicted at the end of the films. This lack of concern is particularly prevalent among young people. The trivialization of marriages and family breakup is occurring. There is significant concern about the preservation of traditional values and culture in Nigeria. However, some argue that these concerns are unfounded since they view it as purely entertainment and not posing any significant moral dilemmas. The veracity and actuality of the video industry present us with a circumstance that requires an urgent reaction, thus demanding the study on the impact of home films on the social life of students at Lagos State University.

​​​​​​​Objective of the study

The broad objective of this study is to examine  the influence of home videos on the social life of Lagos State university students. Specifically the study seeks:

  1.  To examine the prevalence of home videos exposure among university student.

  2. To determine how watching of home videos affect the life style of Lagos State University students.

  3. To ascertain factors that promulgates the influence of home videos on LASU student.

  4. To inquire whether watching of home video will have any significant influence on the social life of LASU student.

Research Hypotheses

HO1: The prevalence of home videos exposure among  Lagos State University student is low.

HI1: The prevalence of home videos exposure among  Lagos State University student is high.

HO2: Watching of home video will not have any significant influence on the social life of LASU student.

HI2: Watching of home video will  have a significant influence on the social life of LASU student.

1.6 Significance of the study

The outcome of this study would be advantageous for producers, young individuals, guardians, and students at Lagos State University, since it would provide insights into the specific Nollywood films that influence their social habits. The results of this study will greatly benefit the media organisation, particularly the Actor Guild of Nigeria, since the insights obtained from these findings would assist them in enhancing the quality of Nollywood films. This will increase their awareness of the impact that their actions have on Nigerian pupils, enabling them to find strategies to minimise these activities. This study holds great importance for the Nigerian Broadcasting Commission, as it will enable them to enhance their methods of censoring Nollywood films, particularly those that include morally disparaging content. Ultimately, this study will enhance the current body of literature and serve as a valuable resource for students and researchers interested in doing more research on the same subject matter.

1.7 Scope of the study

The objective of this study is to examine the impact of home films on the social interactions of students at Lagos State University. This study will investigate the frequency of home video exposure among university students and analyse the impact of watching home films on the lifestyle of students at Lagos State University. It also determines the components that contribute to the impact of home videos on LASU students. and query whether seeing home videos will significantly impact the social lives of LASU students. This study is restricted to undergraduate students enrolled at Lagos State University, located in Ojo, Lagos State.

1.8 Limitation of the study

In accordance with the inherent nature of all human pursuits, the present investigation was not exempt from the presence of a limiting factor. During the course of conducting this study, the researcher encountered various limitations, encompassing temporal constraints, fiscal constraints, and the disposition of the respondents. Furthermore, it is imperative to acknowledge the presence of researcher bias. The researcher exhibited certain biases that potentially influenced the manner in which data was acquired, the demographic of individuals interviewed or sampled, and subsequently, the interpretation of the gathered data. The magnitude of the potential impact that all of this could have on the findings and conclusions must not be underestimated. Furthermore, it is imperative to acknowledge that the conclusions drawn from this particular investigation are constrained by the restricted scope of the sample population, consisting solely of undergraduate students from LASU, within the confines of the study area located in Ojo, Lagos State. Consequently, it is essential to exercise caution when attempting to extrapolate the findings of this study to make comparisons with educational institutions, local administrations, regional entities, and even nations across the globe.

1.9 Definition of terms

Home Videos:  This  is a blanket term used for pre-recorded media that is either sold or rented/hired for home cinema entertainment.

Nollywood movies: The Nigerian video film industry is known as Nollywood movies in this context which means the video films packaged by the Nigerian Home Video Industry for home viewing or is the name attributed to Nigeria’s movie industry. They are usually in the video cassette format or the video compact disc format.

Social life: Social life may refer to: an individual's interpersonal relationships with people within their immediate surroundings or general public.
